Books Dr. Bryant Recommends

Why I Recommend Books

Books can be extremely helpful, especially if your interest or issue relates to the topic of the book. I frequently recommend books to my clients to help them gain a better grasp of something they are dealing with, going through, or have struggled with.

A Book About Domestic Violence and Out of Control Anger

The book I most recommend to clients or their loved ones dealing with anger and/or abuse is a powerful narrative nonfiction about anger gone wrong.

In My Defense, An Unlikely Romance, A Deadly Gunshot, and a Young Woman’s Road to Redemption offers tremendous insight into the spiraling world of an abused wife and the impact of domestic violence. It also describes the repercussions of keeping silent and answers the question most asked of abuse victims: “Why didn’t she just leave?”

After years of suffering from Battered Women’s Syndrome, the author took her abusive husband’s life one horrifying night in the act of self-defense. She did this to save her life and the life of her toddler son. But then she had to deal with the unfathomable aftermath.

This book is a powerful page-turner that lets you experience the intimate, transparent details and emotions of anger and domestic violence. It also shows the potential consequences of not getting help or leaving an abusive spouse. In addition, it tells an amazing story of redemption when the author found freedom for the first time while locked up and charged with murder.

Click here to watch a book trailer about this “impossible to put down” book that has a 5-star review on Amazon and 4.5 stars on Goodreads.

(As a disclaimer, the author of this book is my wife, Leigh Ann Bryant, but I will also say she is a powerful storyteller who is very upfront and honest about what she went through in a past abusive marriage. Her tenacity and strength are part of what drew me to her. And no, I was NOT her counselor!)

A Book to Help You Learn How to Effectively Love Others

For those who desire to give and receive more love, I recommend The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. This book explains how each person expresses and receives love in their own “love language.” It shows how we need to learn new ways to express our love. When you want to speak love to someone, you may need to learn and speak a new language to be most effective.

The first book, The Five Love Languages, The Secret to Love that Lasts, is about learning to speak your spouse’s love language. However, there are multiple helpful editions, including books geared toward children, teenagers, singles, stepfamilies, men, the workplace, and the military.

A Book About Setting Boundaries

For those who have trouble saying no to others or themselves, I recommend Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. This book is tremendously helpful in helping people set healthy boundaries without creating an element of guilt. It firmly establishes the fact that we are not to be “doormats” or subjects of abuse, but instead, we should state limits that add to positive mental health.

The Meaning of Marriage by Dr. Tim Keller is one of the best books available regarding marriages. It also, however, speaks to singles. I highly recommend this informative book.

If you are interested in increasing the intimacy in your marriage, I highly recommend Sheet Music by Dr. Kevin Leman. This book offers insight into understanding the needs of your spouse and improving the physical intimacy in your love life.